Friday, December 12, 2008


It seems as though my writing creativity has come to a screeching halt. Not that I fancy myself a super good writer or anything, but I do usually find my creativity helping me along. I don't know if it is the lack of things to write about or my lack of wanting to stretch my creative muscles (how's that for a cheesy analogy) or what it is. Maybe I just need to be writing more in general. Hmmm....

Currently I am listening the Chris Rice's Living Room Sessions, Christmas album. It is pretty much phenom. If I had to listen to one Christmas album for the rest of my life, I think it would be this particular album.

I am going to my first official staff meeting at my new job today; it should be interesting. There has been a lot of weird tension in the office... a couple of people have been let go and a few people are not happy about it. I have the fortunate perspective of being the new person! Although I do care very much about what is happening in and around the office, I have no real personal connections to any of the hooplah that has been taking place as far as conflict has been concerned. I love that about being the new person. For one tiny section of my new job, I can feel like I have the advantage on something. Hehe. I love it.

That is about all for now.

Oh, have you read Twilight yet? It is my recent obsession :)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Let It Snow

Give me about 3 months and I am sure I will regret this blog, but for the time being, I will procede. Finally, after a November of hot/cold, hot/cold weather, December rang in with a pile of snow! There is something new and exciting about the white blanket that now covers our landscape. I don't know if it brings me back to the days of building forts and having snow ball fights, or what praytell it is, but there is something about it that makes me happy. The bright white reflects off of everything, giving our world a whole new look. It's sort of like the next great fashion trend; it never looks quite like anything else, it has some alluring appeal, yet you aren't quite sure whether to love it or hate it. Right now, I love it. Bring on the snow! I love that white, fluffy, cold stuff! I'm dreaming of a white Christmas!