Friday, December 12, 2008


It seems as though my writing creativity has come to a screeching halt. Not that I fancy myself a super good writer or anything, but I do usually find my creativity helping me along. I don't know if it is the lack of things to write about or my lack of wanting to stretch my creative muscles (how's that for a cheesy analogy) or what it is. Maybe I just need to be writing more in general. Hmmm....

Currently I am listening the Chris Rice's Living Room Sessions, Christmas album. It is pretty much phenom. If I had to listen to one Christmas album for the rest of my life, I think it would be this particular album.

I am going to my first official staff meeting at my new job today; it should be interesting. There has been a lot of weird tension in the office... a couple of people have been let go and a few people are not happy about it. I have the fortunate perspective of being the new person! Although I do care very much about what is happening in and around the office, I have no real personal connections to any of the hooplah that has been taking place as far as conflict has been concerned. I love that about being the new person. For one tiny section of my new job, I can feel like I have the advantage on something. Hehe. I love it.

That is about all for now.

Oh, have you read Twilight yet? It is my recent obsession :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I too have read most of the Twilight books...I just have the last one left....they are WONDERFUL!