My baby girl is one month old today! Consequently, her due date is tomorrow. Funny how we plan things that never turn out the just how we think they should. A week or so ago I was looking at my "list of things to do before baby comes." Ha. Life has a way of surprising us.
At this moment, my sweet girl is rest closely against me (with the help of the wonderful Moby carrier). I can feel every breath she takes and hear every little squeek. It is hard to believe that a month ago yesterday Andy and I were called into the hospital to have "more tests taken," which really meant, "We're going to try to induce you and get this baby out!" Looking back, Lydia and I were in a dangerous spot. My protein levels were through the roof as well as my blood pressure being too high for comfort. They told us I would have a c-section and although I had originally planned to have a natural birth, at this point it was not an option. I recall being so relieved that she would finally be here and that this dangerous part would be over very soon.
I don't remember much about all that happened in that 24- hour period, but I do remember hearing my baby cry for the first time. Those wails were music to my ears. I remember looking into Andy's eyes, both of us crying, and listening to our sweet little girl. I remember seeing her, fresh out of the womb, all bundled up and though not able to hold her, able to kiss her head and tell her I loved her, in person, for the very first time. After being away from her for an entire day, recovering from being various drugs, etc. I was able to finally sit up in a wheel chair and be taken to hold Lydia for the first time. A moment without words is all that can describe what it is like to have your first child put in your arms. A child that you have been dreaming of for so long, just wondering what she will look like, smell like, be like. And then she is here; just like that. It was amazing to meet the beautiful little girl God had created.
Over the next few days I would continue to recover and Lydia continued to grow stronger and stronger. We spent most of our time in the Special Care Nursery, holding and caring for our little girl. She passed all of her tests and was able to go home after just five days in the hospital.
We came into the hospital on a Monday evening and left on a Saturday evening. I remember finally laying down in bed on Saturday, being pretty much terrified of how to do anything. This baby was under our full care now, no nurses or doctors to help us along. Lydia slept well that night; going three hours between feedings. A good start to her first month of life in our new home.
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