Friday, March 25, 2011

A little doting...

It's been quite the last couple of months. We started off the year with Lydia's first ear infection. Andy went on to get a cold, another cold, and then pneumonia. Then, last week, I went in for an appendectomy! Needless to say we are glad that we have good health insurance.
Amongst the craziness of being sick and getting healthy again, I have really treasured my sweet little girl. Truly, I didn't realize how much I missed the little things until I had to spend an overnight in the hospital and then not lift her for a whole week. Lydia has such a great personality. She is happy almost all the time, grinning from ear to ear, and laughing at the antics of her mama and daddy. We will do almost ANYTHING to make her laugh.
It is so fun to watch her explore her world. She is so observant; takes everything and everyone in. You can just see the wheels spinning in her head, trying to figure things out. When she plays with toys she usually picks one up, looks at it, turns it around a couple times, and then it goes straight into the mouth for a little tasteful exploration.
I also love meal and snack time. Lydia has now mastered the pincer grip and actually prefers it to me putting finger foods in her mouth for her. And she loves her sippy cup. I love watching her drink from a sippy cup; so grown-up. :)
I could go on and on, but this will suffice for now. My sweet Lydia is growing and learning so quickly. I am so in love with her and can't get enough!