Saturday, April 18, 2009

Profession vs. Belief

Last night, Andy and I went with some friends of ours to see Dallas Willard speak at Wheaton College. For any of you that know Willard's works, he is a man of great intelligence. As he spoke last night, I (as were my friends) was struck by the fact that he didn't really say anything I hadn't heard before. He did, however, say "it" in a way I hadn't heard before. One of the things he talked about was the difference between profession and belief. Profession meaning, anyone can say anything and not truly believe it. Belief means, acting on what you think is truth. So, to act on my belief is different than simply professing that I believe. Easier said than done right?


Zach Lien said...

fully agree. I miss talking with you. I have been thinking of you lately. hope

Dan said...

We're supposed to act on what we believe? What a conservative.