Saturday, April 10, 2010

Two Things

Most days, my mind is consumed by one of two things: our baby and finding a job for Andy. For those of you who don't know, we have decided to pursue a path of bi-vocational ministry in a church in Westmont, IL. We find ourselves in a place of believing that our church's funds can be better used to share the love of Jesus with each other and the community around us, than by paying full-time pastors. This has left us with the task of finding a job for Andy that is not a full-time pastorate position (as we had originally planned at the beginning of seminary). We have found this task to be draining and quite defeating. Although we have only been searching for a couple of months, it seems like an eternity. With thousands of people out of work, it has proved to be almost impossible to get a job. We understand and trust that the God of the universe knows our needs and intends to fill them the way He sees fit, but my belly isn't getting any smaller and soon we will have to care for another little family member. We earnestly covet your prayers as we seek to remain faithful to the calling we have received.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Good to know! Trust and patience ... lessons that must be learned over and over and over and over and over and over........:) Love you girl!