Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Let It Snow

Give me about 3 months and I am sure I will regret this blog, but for the time being, I will procede. Finally, after a November of hot/cold, hot/cold weather, December rang in with a pile of snow! There is something new and exciting about the white blanket that now covers our landscape. I don't know if it brings me back to the days of building forts and having snow ball fights, or what praytell it is, but there is something about it that makes me happy. The bright white reflects off of everything, giving our world a whole new look. It's sort of like the next great fashion trend; it never looks quite like anything else, it has some alluring appeal, yet you aren't quite sure whether to love it or hate it. Right now, I love it. Bring on the snow! I love that white, fluffy, cold stuff! I'm dreaming of a white Christmas!

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