Sunday, October 26, 2008

Another Circus Act

Constantly in the last week I have been reminded about what a circus life can be... both good and bad. Upon waking up with a headache and feeling exhausted, my husband and I got ready and headed to church for the weekly prayer group that takes place before service starts. We walked in, clinging only to the hope that the coffee in our to-go mugs would bring some sort of life to our tired existence. As we sat down, we were bombarded with the loud speaking voices of three of our beloved church family members Curt, Charlie, and Dennis. These three men are all developmentally disabled and have the biggest hearts in the world. They are at church every Sunday to pray and then to serve. This being said, they are also loud. As we listened to them go back and forth with their banter, we looked at each other and said, "what a circus." As nuts as it was, Andy reminded me that it was really fitting, because it really our church; the Church. We are all just a bunch of people walking through this often times circus-like life. Life without the Curt's and Charlie's and Dennis' of the world would be boring and uneventful. In this circus of of life, I am thankful for the different acts that perform in front of my very eyes every day. They teach me not to take myself too seriously. Sometimes, you need to take it all in; to stop and enjoy the circus.

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