Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Eye Of The Beholder

So often I find myself wanting to shy away from the cliche's in life; wanting to break free of the things people say that one never quite knows what the words mean. But usually, in my breaking free, I find myself coming back to those phrases and the realities (timeless truths if you will) that they have preserved. This being said, as I begin this new 21st century blogging journey, I expect that often I will end up right back in the 20th century and before, finding truth in the things people have said far before I could even think to find truth in them. It really is the eye of the beholder; beauty and truth and redemption (the list goes on). It is all in how we choose to look at, how we choose to perceive life. Whether what each perceives to be true is really truth, I'm not going to judge. But I do know that it is all in how one sees it. The consequential blogs to follow are just that, the eye through which I behold.

1 comment:

Dan said...

Yay! Another good friend blogging. :)

I'm sure I'll learn lots from your perceptions of things. :)