Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Good to the Last Drop?

Anyone else out there never completely finish their cup of coffee? Almost never do I drink every last bit of coffee in my cup. I attribute it mostly to the fact that by the time I get towards the bottom, the beverage is already to cool for my liking. ALSO, I hate it when I am at a restaurant drinking coffee and they keep filling my cup. I drink like two sips and they are already coming around for a warm up. One would think I would enjoy this, but after two sips, who is ready for a warm up? Not me. In a perfect world, the waitress would know at the precisely correct moment when my coffee has become too cool for consumption, thus giving me the much needed warm up. Of course I know that this perfect world will never exist, though I think Starbucks could make a valiant attempt at such a system. Thoughts anyone?


Judah said...

Dennis Miller once talked about that peak point when your coffee is cooled off but still has that edge. It was funny because he talked about how quickly it goes from peak perfection to week crap when it rapidly gets cold and gross. I do hate it when they keep "warming it up" almost rather a fresh cup.

Jean Sharp said...

Remember those dorky color-changing mugs? As strange as they were, I think they have the potential to solve your problem.

Jamie said...

that must have been a central illinois thing :)