Sunday, June 19, 2011

Creeping Charlie

So I was thinking the other day about weeds. Yep, weeds.

Lydia and I go for a walk, nay, multiple walks everyday. I usually find myself getting lost in nature; looking at the various trees, flowers, and even the weeds. Now some of those weeds actually look like flowers. Creeping charlie, for example- those little purple flower are actually quite attractive. Maybe they are the charlie part, and the creeping part is the part that takes over your yard and kills all your grass, and your neighbor's grass, and their neighbor's grass.
Anyway, I was thinking about how pretty some of the flowered weeds are. I mean, from the time we are young most of us are attracted to weeds. How many of us gave our moms bouquets of dandelions on numerous occasions? And then when they turned, you can bet your bottom dollar all the kids were out blowing the little fuzzies off those things. Little did we know we were just spreading more weeds.
So yeah weeds. Their a lot like sin. Sometimes its really attractive and we get tied up in the beauty of it all. Before we know it, the sin is spreading like those little fuzzies; all-over-the place. Still there are those pretty flowers; and sometimes I wonder if those flowers are less like sin and more like redemption. That even in the weeds God is showing us a small taste of who He is. Even in the weeds He shows up, places a little purple flower, and says, "See even in this, I am redeeming. Even in this."